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Our on-demand interpreter training. When and where you want.
Drop down to see the full list. 


Interpreter training anytime anywhere.

Have you ever thought: "I'd like to attend that course but I'm booked on that same day ", or: "my professional Association requires me to complete X training days, but I can't find anything interesting for me"?


We provide the possibility to enjoy courses that are specifically designed by and for interpreters, both live and on-demand thanks to our web-platform. The only thing to do is sign up to the website and purchase the courses you want. You can follow them anytime anywhere.

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an ally in the booth

A peer-to-peer on-demand webinar to discover the most common CAI tool.

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Tools and technologies before, during and after the assignment

Tools and applications to make the most of the preparation phase, as well as during and after a conference interpeting assignment.

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AI tools for (human) interpreting and translation

Tools and applications to exploit the potential of AI for interpreters and translators.

Simultaneous interpreting via Webex

Interpreter-side and host-side solutions for your interpreted events on Webex.

Interpreting inside and outside hybrid events

Pre-assignment consultancy, support during interpretation, extra language services after the event.

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The interpreter's toolkit

Interactive hands-on exercises for memorization and consecutive interpreting + an extensive overview of the main technological tools avaliable

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Simultaneous interpreting via Zoom

Interpreter-side and host-side solutions for your interpreted events on Zoom.


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Interpreting and language services for sports

On-demand webinar with hands-on exercises for sports interpreting.

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Tablet Interpreting and tools for consecutive

Solutions to digitalize preparation, note-taking and post-consecutive assignment.

Would you like to be updated on our initiatives for interpreters? Subscribe to our newsletter, it's free!

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